Today is the first anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, which changed the way we used to think of these attacks. On 26/11 they came precariously close to our abode and it shaken the entire nation from its core. It was the direct attack on the heart of Bharat. That event told us that no one, even the highest class of the society is spared of such attacks. That changed our thinking and everyone is ready to give his bit for not letting it happen again. Today, all of us remembering the martyrs of the event in our own way with all available means. Some of us including me lit the candle. Some of us written the poem as a condolence. Some of us just praying for their soul to be rest in peace.
Now let us look at the report card of the events which was the result of 26/11. Let's start with the data which caused chaos in Parliament yet again today. The data which Mr. Advani (an opposition leader) presented is that out of 403 persons eligible for relief, only 118 have received cheques so far and while 64 of them were eligible for railway jobs, only 32 had received offers till now. If Mr. Advani is presenting this data is just for political benefit I really condemn that. But even then if the data is correct partially then it's definitely a cause of concern.
Secondly, some days back in TOI (Times of India) published that around INR 30 Crore has been spent till now on the security of Ajmal Kasab, a lone survivor out of 10 militants. The cause of concern is, if there is such a huge money of tax-payers is involved why couldn't the court tried to complete the processing as fast as possible. If you analyze the data little more, Kasab has taken the tax paid by 300 people like me (If I am paying 1 lakh tax per annum) in a whole year. The money ideally should have gone for betterment of the education system of our country or to fill the pot-holes of the roads in country. But we are wasting our money on Kasab for no reason.
This is not the end. Still Kasab will take some more money from our pockets. First he has taken life our countrymen and now he is taking our money. He is attacking us financially now, and we, our government is letting it happen. At the most, some time later he might get life-term. In response some other Kandhar tragedy will happen to get him out of the jail. And then Kasab will attack again with more planning and power. I am not against the humanity but the security of our country is supreme. We cannot bargain with it in any case. We should have have totally different law for such people. We should not spend in providing them a lawyer or to provide safety to them. We should have given capital punishment within a week after 26/11 has happened.
Also view this: http://bhpawan.blogspot.com/2011/11/burden-of-2611-ii-third-anniversary.html
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ReplyDelete"Also, the point to be noted is that, the government knows the root of the problem even the root also knows where exactly is the problem. Even then after 1 year, no concrete step has been taken to ensure that such terror attacks don't happen in future. What a shame that, two nations just passed the comments to each other and did nothing. What in the name of a democratic nation are we trying to prove here?
ReplyDeleteIsn't it an uplifting encouragement to all those who prepared and executed this plan?
And why to talk about this event alone, have we not been tight lipped about the several other events, which have been taking place since years and probably all have become habitual of hearing these things.
Can anything worse can happen to a democratic nation like India? Or, are we waiting for the worst to happen? "