
Nostalgic Feelings

Today in the morning, while coming to office I saw a man riding bicycle and carrying his two little daughters to the school. They both were nicely dressed in blue uniform. One was on the front seat, and the other one was on the back side. They both were cheerful. It reminds me of my cheerful days of childhood. I still clearly remember how my father use to take me and my sister in the bicycle to the school, before leaving for work. How my mother used to start early so she can prepare breakfast with ample time left for our dressing. How they spent whole morning in making sure that we'll be on time to school.

But now, when they are on the other side (40+) of there life, they are alone with their memories. They are alone when they want someone to take care of them. They are alone when they become habitual of living in family. They are alone when they really want to avoid to be alone anymore.

They have done more than what they could do for us. But in return what we were giving back. I do not have any answers for that. Anyways without being more nostalgic let me back to my work. But before that I really want to say thanks ma and papa to bring me here. You have done everything for us by all means possible. Thanks once again!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The beauty or greatness of being an average man(if an Indian like us) is you can live every moment with required love and happiness. Which sometimes great people can experience...



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