
Tigers, Trees etc.

Last week I went for waynad trip. A small city in north Kerala. On they way while passing Bandipur we saw a Leopard just 100 mts away from us. Soon it has disappeared in the jungle. But the excitement everybody has shown just by getting a glimpse of it was awesome. I too was overwhelmed by getting a 5 seconds view of big-cat. Then I thought of several other animals which have disappeared over the time. These big-cats are on the verge of the same situation. Soon the generation to come will see the these great creatures in text-book or hear a story about them from there grand-parents. There is no rocket science involved in understanding that if we do not protect them now or keep killing them the time is not far when big-cats will be the thing of past, irreversible past.
As soon as we crossed the Kerala border, the first thing we noticed the greenary spread all over. In waynad trees are everywhere. We enjoyed a greenery, the cool temperature there. As it was a long weekend several people (in thousands) from Bangalore and other places were in Waynad to escape the heat in Bangalore. Everybody was enjoying but how many of us have ever given a thought to plant a tree so that we do not need to run away to beat the heat. As temperature of the earth is increasing everyday, ozone layer is shrinking, water level decreasing we all should take a oath to plant two trees in the name of each children we have. Time has gone when a tree for a child was sufficient. Now we are living in more dangerous situation, the time has come to plant as many trees as we can. Otherwise the time is not so far when even Waynad people will have to go somewhere else on the weekends to beat the heat too.

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