Once upon a time, Vasco de Gama came to India. That became history, which everyone aware of. Little more than five hundred years after the history was made; in 2008 a team of 11 people (not a cricket team or hockey team) came from western border of the India, without legal documents and permission. They preferred to take sea route rather than road because they felt it was safer. And that turned out the right decision for them.
Once they landed in Mumbai, for next 60 hours whole world watched massacre which happened in Mumbai. How the life itself cried for saving its own life. We saw how Taj Mahal palace was burning for 3 continuous days. There were many children, who were waiting for their parents to come back home, but they never saw them after that. Everyone noticed how TV channels made a mockery of, one of the worst attack happened in India. To me this was the most efficient (read worst) attack because of enormous death per person ratio which roughly was 164/11=14.9 in just 3 days. Of'course the financial casualty is lot more.
All of them were dead, but one of those 11 villains Ajmal Kasab was captured alive, but we had lost many of our security personal in return. But the story doesn't end there. The most tragic story begins there. It's going to be 3 year since that day, but Kasab is still alive, enjoying his worthless life. Not only alive, he is using Indian tax payers money. For the first year (26/11/2009) Kasab used our 30 crores. By 21st February 2011, he already eaten out 100 crores. And still he is using it. In fact he'll still use it till 31/01/2012 at least. That is the day of final hearing on his case.
It is an irony to see that the hard earned money of an Indian is wasted on Kasab who tried to violate our integrity, who took many lives of human being, made many children orphans. I know one day people will forget 26/11, people will forget Kasab but the question will remain, which other country would have been treated Kasab as the way we are treating?
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