Tomorrow when child will look towards the sky, he will wonder why people from our generation said that stars are uncountable? Children will discuss among themselves that there are 55 or 73 stars. One lucky child might say, "No, I've counted 127 stars in the sky".
I remember my childhood days when we used to go for a walk after dinner, we used to count the number of stars. Even after many tries we couldn't get pass through. Now if I see, hardly I can manage to find around 40-50 stars in the sky. The bright one may be 4-5 only.
This is combined effort of nothing but a metro phenomenon. We are growing in cities and villages are shrinking. Our cities also getting filled with pollution, either it is harmful gases coming out of vehicles, factories or dirt due to some construction going.
Today, we are ignorant to very basic thing i.e. whatever we have right now, it's our duty to pass on to next generation as is if not better. The time is not so far when the poem will be:
Twinkle, twinkle, where are the stars,
How I wonder where you are?
Up above the world so high,
Nothing is there in the sky.
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
I was waiting for little light,
But couldn't get all the night.