Today is the first anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, which changed the way we used to think of these attacks. On 26/11 they came precariously close to our abode and it shaken the entire nation from its core. It was the direct attack on the heart of Bharat. That event told us that no one, even the highest class of the society is spared of such attacks. That changed our thinking and everyone is ready to give his bit for not letting it happen again. Today, all of us remembering the martyrs of the event in our own way with all available means. Some of us including me lit the candle. Some of us written the poem as a condolence. Some of us just praying for their soul to be rest in peace.
Now let us look at the report card of the events which was the result of 26/11. Let's start with the data which caused chaos in Parliament yet again today. The data which Mr. Advani (an opposition leader) presented is that out of 403 persons eligible for relief, only 118 have received cheques so far and while 64 of them were eligible for railway jobs, only 32 had received offers till now. If Mr. Advani is presenting this data is just for political benefit I really condemn that. But even then if the data is correct partially then it's definitely a cause of concern.
Secondly, some days back in TOI (Times of India) published that around INR 30 Crore has been spent till now on the security of Ajmal Kasab, a lone survivor out of 10 militants. The cause of concern is, if there is such a huge money of tax-payers is involved why couldn't the court tried to complete the processing as fast as possible. If you analyze the data little more, Kasab has taken the tax paid by 300 people like me (If I am paying 1 lakh tax per annum) in a whole year. The money ideally should have gone for betterment of the education system of our country or to fill the pot-holes of the roads in country. But we are wasting our money on Kasab for no reason.
This is not the end. Still Kasab will take some more money from our pockets. First he has taken life our countrymen and now he is taking our money. He is attacking us financially now, and we, our government is letting it happen. At the most, some time later he might get life-term. In response some other Kandhar tragedy will happen to get him out of the jail. And then Kasab will attack again with more planning and power. I am not against the humanity but the security of our country is supreme. We cannot bargain with it in any case. We should have have totally different law for such people. We should not spend in providing them a lawyer or to provide safety to them. We should have given capital punishment within a week after 26/11 has happened.
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Recently Forbes has published the list of top-100 richest people in Bharat. Mukesh Ambani is at the top of the charts again. But the news really excites me is that the net worth of top 100 people is $276 billion, which is one-fourth (25%) of whole Bharat's GDP. Just 100 people has that much money. Rest 1.2 billion people in this country is sharing rest of the money. Unbelievable, but true. They are the real source of money for political parties during election and otherwise. This is the reason why most of the policies our government makes is for them who are already rich.
Whenever I switch to any news channel they talk about more than 9% GDP growth for industries but when it comes to farmers the kind of growth we talk about is just around 2-3%. Why can't we talk of similar kind of growth in agricultural industry also. The reason is simple. Farmers are poor and have no power too. No one is ready to listen to them. Just to tell what they want, they have to call for bandhs. They cannot ask for high-level meetings with government. They cannot talk to finance minister directly. But government is just one call away from these big businessmen. Recently we have seen Delhi bandh in protest of sugarcane policy.
I am not against of the businessmen. They really worked very hard to earn the money and being in such a position. But my question is for government because it is supposed to work for whole Bharat not just for handful of people. Why can't they bring the policy which will help farmers too which inturn will help to bridge the gap between 1.2 billion and just 100 people.
Bal Thakery - Shiv Sen Supremo. Since his party lost ground in recent Maharashtra polls, he also lost his mental balance. Since then he is trying to holler as many controversial statement as possible. But everytime he is making situation worse for himself and his party.
First, he gave to malign statements about Sachin. I think Mr. Thakery forgot that Sachin can play the bouncers very well, which he tried to give in form of his dirty statements. Mr. Thakery forgot that we are living in democracy and everybody has complete freedom of speech. Moreover, Sachin did not make any statement which will hurt any Maharashtrian sentiments by saying that he was proud to be Maharashtrian but he was an Indian first and a Maharashtrian later.
Yesterday goondas of Shiv Sena (which they call sainik), attacked the office of IBN Lokmat. And Mr. Thakery supported those goondas wholeheartedly. First of all they are maligning the meaning of word "shiv" and "sena" by using this name for there hooliganism. Lord "Shiv" or any other God for that matter never discriminate people on the basis of racial, geographical (which is the sole moto of them), gender differences. Secondly sainiks (army) do not discriminate too. In army, people from different part of society, country work together to save country. They do not fight with their own countrymen in any case.
These are the people more dangerous than Pakistan. You will know when they attack but what these people are doing harm to our society by dividing its people is going unnoticed. They just playing a dirty politics by using "Divide And Rule" policy. We should definitely beware of them.
This 15th November, the God of cricket has achieved one more milestone in his long career. He completed 20 years in international cricket. It's not an easy task by any means. During this time-period he has made and break many records. Oh, ok I am not going to talk about those because it will take months to compile. I'll definitely be short of words, if I'll try to talk about him.
Today only I come to know that Sachin has started his career on 15th November. Coincidentally it is my b'day also. So, this year onwards I got one more reason to cheer that day.
I really don't remember the days when Sachin started playing. I was just 10 on the day when Sachin started playing international matches but since I remember, Sachin is bearing the weight of my hopes (as well of other billion people) in every match with his natural elegance and humility.
Sachin I thank you for playing cricket during my life and making 15th November so important.
We, the people do not loose any chance to say ourselves great. We use so many adjectives such as educated, sensible, literate, software engineer in Bangalore. But when it comes to show any of this, people go numb.
Day before yesterday my friend who was on bike met an accident with a car. It was not in odd timings or odd place where it's hard to find people for help. It was around 3-4 PM that too in one of the big market. But no one came and took him to hospital, not even that car driver.
The blood was coming as if some fountain was flowing, but people were there just to be mere spectators. What a bullshit!!!! He requested for help, but in vain. People in other car stopped, looked at him and moved away as if he was untouchable. At last, an auto with school students took him to the hospital. This proves "I was born intelligent but education ruined me". We are ruined as we grow up.
With all this, How can we even say ourselves "Human being"? I must say that we all are living in some imaginary lives made by ourselves. And in that we think that we are prone to the things happening to others. But they don't know (or they pretend it) that there is very high probability of happening the same which you try to ignore most.
PS: Please do post your comments on this.

"Caution - Speed Breaker Ahead" is one of the common road-side notices on Indian roads. But the truth is far away from it. It has to be something like "Caution - Driving on Speed breaker".
Just to kill time on my way to office a noble (not sure though!!!!) idea came to my mind. I started counting speed breakers in my apprx 13 km (parking to parking) journey. And the results are shocking. While going the count was 22, OMG. shocked???? There is more shocking data while back to home. The number is huge; 35. Yes, you heard it right. I need to cross 35 speed-breakers while on my way back to home. It comes around 1 speed breaker at every 300 meters.
They (I really don't know who but I didn't anything else to write.....) say that roads are key to the making of nation. Roads are the back-bone of the nation. But if the road itself has so many speed breakers how can we put our so-called great nation on fast-track of development. Not only speed-breakers are there to put brakes on your speed, our roads have innumerable (I thought of counting it, but it was like counting your own hair) pot-holes.
But the best part of these speed-breakers are that most of the speed breakers are invisible and without sign-board. Especially at night if you are not familiar with road, it's not safe to drive at more than 20 km/hr.
Every year PWD (Public Works Dept.) construct the roads, but everytime they come to there original condition within months. I really cannot understand the quality of the construction. Does it happen also in US, UK, Singapore or even in China? Please do tell me if anyone visited these places. Maybe all this act gives them (PWD) opportunity to earn money (obviously black) every year.
Please do tell us what yours take on this.
Leader is not the one who perform well on there own. Leader is the person who also make others in their team perform well. Sachin Tendulkar, who not only performed extremely well today against Australia but also inspired Suresh Raina to perform well.
This is even bigger when keeping in mind that Suresh was not performing from last many matches. But this is the result of Sachin's aura which makes him hitting a good half-century knock.
Sachin has done the same in the past also. Remember last series of India-Australia when India visited Australia. Rohit Sharma played the best knock of his life till now when sachin was at the other end.
This is the ability of great leaders, which is definitely can be seen in Sachin Tendulkar.