Yesterday what a day for Indian sports. Amazing, is isn't??? First Sushil Kumar grab the bronze in wrestling. Then Vijendra secured at least Bronze (He can win more if he wins next fight). We got another victory in one-day match against Sri-lanka.
But this is the first time in my whole life where I feel Indian Cricket win is smaller than other sports. I watched Vijendra's quarter-final match more aggresively than T-20 cricket match (India vs Pakistan). And I am eagerly waiting for Vijendra's fight in semis tomorrow.
These are hero of the day, in fact of the century. Did we ever won 3 medals in a single Olympic. The answer is NO (though I haven't researched it but quite sure). The story began after wining Gold by Abhinav. These are really the dawn (read DON) of Indian sports. I am sure, they have ignited billion hearts and we'll soon see 30 and then 300 medals in a single Olympic given politics will not work as barrier.