Recent back to back bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahemdabad has stunned each and every Indian.It's not a first time it happened. Similar blasts had happened in Jaipur, Mumbai, Hyderabad. In Surat it was a narrow escape. But as always there is nothing concrete happening from government. It's the same statement they are giving since my memory started saving all this, that don't panic. Militants are doing this to scatter integrity of India. Government is doing whatever necessary to catch them, bla bla bla. All routine stuff.
But I feel it is total failure on government front. They should take responsibility of these losses. I really cannot understand what Indian Intelligence Agencies were doing when militants were planning for these bomb blasts. In Ahmedabad around 16 blast has happened. I believe one or two person must be involved in putting one bomb in place. It means around 30-35 people were required when it comes only to place the bombs. Some more must be involved in making those bombs and some more must be there as a leader. So, there must be around 50 people in the city on/before the day of bomb blast. In any city if there are 50 people involved in some activity and intelligence agencies are not aware of this, what should we say about them.
They can miss something which is planned and executed by 2-3 people but here 50 people must be involved. Many phones calls must have been made to execute this. They could have traced them earlier. But our intelligence agencies were sleeping at the time I believe.
There is a saying in Hindi "जथा राजा तथा प्रजा ". It means citizens of any country will be same as it's king. When our politicians (policy maker) are busy in fighting with each other, giving bribe to each other what can we expect from any government officials, who follow the order of politicians. I really don't know what will happen to our country when politics is at its abyss, politicians are fighting like road side gundas, intelligence agencies are sleeping, corruption is at its peak. I really don't know!!!!
घुरदौडी की वादियों में

जीवन के वो चार वर्ष
स्वर्णिम वर्ष थे मेरे,
वो वक्त बीता था
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
कुछ आज भी साथ है
कुछ की यादें दिलों में
मित्र वो जिनके साथ रहे हम
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
कहीं कुछ कम
कहीं पूरे संसाधनों में
हमने ज्ञान प्राप्त किया
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
आज जो भी हैं जहाँ भी हैं
उस ज्ञान की बदौलत,
जो हमने सीखा
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
जैसे भी, जहाँ भी रहूँगा,
कभी भूल न पाऊंगा
जो वक्त बिताया
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
Nostalgic Feelings
Today in the morning, while coming to office I saw a man riding bicycle and carrying his two little daughters to the school. They both were nicely dressed in blue uniform. One was on the front seat, and the other one was on the back side. They both were cheerful. It reminds me of my cheerful days of childhood. I still clearly remember how my father use to take me and my sister in the bicycle to the school, before leaving for work. How my mother used to start early so she can prepare breakfast with ample time left for our dressing. How they spent whole morning in making sure that we'll be on time to school.
But now, when they are on the other side (40+) of there life, they are alone with their memories. They are alone when they want someone to take care of them. They are alone when they become habitual of living in family. They are alone when they really want to avoid to be alone anymore.
They have done more than what they could do for us. But in return what we were giving back. I do not have any answers for that. Anyways without being more nostalgic let me back to my work. But before that I really want to say thanks ma and papa to bring me here. You have done everything for us by all means possible. Thanks once again!!!!
But now, when they are on the other side (40+) of there life, they are alone with their memories. They are alone when they want someone to take care of them. They are alone when they become habitual of living in family. They are alone when they really want to avoid to be alone anymore.
They have done more than what they could do for us. But in return what we were giving back. I do not have any answers for that. Anyways without being more nostalgic let me back to my work. But before that I really want to say thanks ma and papa to bring me here. You have done everything for us by all means possible. Thanks once again!!!!
हिन्दी की वास्तविकता
आज के समय में हिन्दी की वास्तविकता समाप्त होती सी प्रतीत होती है। कम से कम महानगरों में तो यही हाल है। किसी भी बड़ी दुकान या शापिंग मॉल में देखिये सभी माता पिता छोटे-छोटे बच्चों से अंग्रेजी में बात करते हुए आसानी से दिख जाते है। नन्हे बच्चे आपस में भी अंग्रेजी में ही बात करते है। कुछ बच्चों को तो में जानता हूँ जिन्हें हिन्दी भी नही आती, सिर्फ़ अंग्रेजी से काम चलता है। न जाने वोह अपने दादा-दादी से कैसे बात करते होंगे? यह तो एक पहलू हुआ हिन्दी की घटती आबादी का।
दूसरा पहलू वो है जहाँ लोग हिन्दी बोलते तो है पर उच्चारण सही नही होता या वो लोग सही नही लिख पाते। खासकर कुछ शब्द तो सहज न होकर क्लिष्ट होते है जैसे क्षत्रिय इत्यादि। जब यह गलती हिन्दी समाचार के समाचार वक्ता करें तो यह समस्या गंभीर लगती है।
आज सुबह की ही बात है, NDTV की समाचार वक्ता "वयस्क" को "व्यसक" कहती है। ये एक ऐसा समाचार चैनल है जहा अमित दुआ सरीखे लोग समाचार पड़ते है जिन्हें न केवल सामाजिक ज्ञान है बल्कि उनका उच्चारण भी पूर्णतया साफ़ है। ऐसे में इतने बड़े समाचार चैनल से ऐसी गलती होना अच्छी बात नही है, या शायद खतरे की निशानी भी है।
अगर हिन्दी की इसी प्रकार दुर्दशा होती रही तो वो दिन ज्यादा दूर नही जब लोग हिन्दी बोलना पूर्णतया समाप्त कर देंगे। या फ़िर हिन्दी के नाम पे हिंगलिश का ही बोल बाला रहेगा।
दूसरा पहलू वो है जहाँ लोग हिन्दी बोलते तो है पर उच्चारण सही नही होता या वो लोग सही नही लिख पाते। खासकर कुछ शब्द तो सहज न होकर क्लिष्ट होते है जैसे क्षत्रिय इत्यादि। जब यह गलती हिन्दी समाचार के समाचार वक्ता करें तो यह समस्या गंभीर लगती है।
आज सुबह की ही बात है, NDTV की समाचार वक्ता "वयस्क" को "व्यसक" कहती है। ये एक ऐसा समाचार चैनल है जहा अमित दुआ सरीखे लोग समाचार पड़ते है जिन्हें न केवल सामाजिक ज्ञान है बल्कि उनका उच्चारण भी पूर्णतया साफ़ है। ऐसे में इतने बड़े समाचार चैनल से ऐसी गलती होना अच्छी बात नही है, या शायद खतरे की निशानी भी है।
अगर हिन्दी की इसी प्रकार दुर्दशा होती रही तो वो दिन ज्यादा दूर नही जब लोग हिन्दी बोलना पूर्णतया समाप्त कर देंगे। या फ़िर हिन्दी के नाम पे हिंगलिश का ही बोल बाला रहेगा।
My Golden Moments - I
I still remember the month of May, 2001 when we were called for Air Force SSB (Service Selection Board). After all the preparation me and Amit left for SSB to Dehradun. We had already passed written test for that. Other than very little seriousness we were looking forward to enjoy to the extreme for one whole week. We were more excited because they were giving to and fro conveyance charges. In addition to that free stay in Air Force station for full one week.
After reaching railway station, one bus took us to Air Force Station. After reaching there our documents were verified by the officials. We were through, but I remember around 80 students of Agra university had to go back due to some reason. This makes our batch of around 94.
After 5 days of several written, physical test, GD and interview finally the day arrived when results were to be announced. We all were sitting in the room as per our chest number. Officials were also there. All of us were eagerly waiting for the result. My heart start pounding when they start taking names of selected guys as if I just finished 100 meters race in 10 sec. They already told us that they will call the names in increasing order of the chest number (the number allocated to you during the stay). They called the first number "4". There is still some hope, I thought in my mind. I was praying to God for my selection. After some pause they announced "19". Within a second I was on cloud-9. Incidentally my number was 19. I was feeling as my heart will come out of my body. It was beating faster than any of my imaginations. After that I was not able to listen anything they said. Was that excitement or something else, due to which my body was there but my mind stopped working. I was behaving like a dummy.
My mind came to existence only when all the names were announced and friends start congratulating me. But I feel bad when I came to know that Amit was not selected. Within 5 minutes after that only 4 people (selected ones) were there in the room. We had filled bundles of documents and did at least 50 signatures that day within next 2-3 hours. But during all that time I was seeing myself in blue dress of IAF. I was happy that I was the first person of my batch (college) who got selected somewhere. I was happy because that day I felt I achieved everything. I was happy because I thought I'd be able to do something for my parents now, they have done a lot for me till now.
I still feel that was surely one of the golden moment of my life.
After reaching railway station, one bus took us to Air Force Station. After reaching there our documents were verified by the officials. We were through, but I remember around 80 students of Agra university had to go back due to some reason. This makes our batch of around 94.
After 5 days of several written, physical test, GD and interview finally the day arrived when results were to be announced. We all were sitting in the room as per our chest number. Officials were also there. All of us were eagerly waiting for the result. My heart start pounding when they start taking names of selected guys as if I just finished 100 meters race in 10 sec. They already told us that they will call the names in increasing order of the chest number (the number allocated to you during the stay). They called the first number "4". There is still some hope, I thought in my mind. I was praying to God for my selection. After some pause they announced "19". Within a second I was on cloud-9. Incidentally my number was 19. I was feeling as my heart will come out of my body. It was beating faster than any of my imaginations. After that I was not able to listen anything they said. Was that excitement or something else, due to which my body was there but my mind stopped working. I was behaving like a dummy.
My mind came to existence only when all the names were announced and friends start congratulating me. But I feel bad when I came to know that Amit was not selected. Within 5 minutes after that only 4 people (selected ones) were there in the room. We had filled bundles of documents and did at least 50 signatures that day within next 2-3 hours. But during all that time I was seeing myself in blue dress of IAF. I was happy that I was the first person of my batch (college) who got selected somewhere. I was happy because that day I felt I achieved everything. I was happy because I thought I'd be able to do something for my parents now, they have done a lot for me till now.
I still feel that was surely one of the golden moment of my life.
Politics on Amarnath
Disclaimer: I've never been to Amarnath so do not the situation on the way to Amarnath.
Even I've not done Amarnath yatra till now but I am sure that the facilities were good enough for the pilgrims to reach there. Govt. must be doing good work to keep everything in place. Some time back Govt has provided a piece of land to Amarnath board (for better management). That was a green land if I am not wrong. For which local people opposed and did rallies, bandhs in the valley. Due to which pilgrims suffered for a week or so. The best part is people of valley put there best efforts to help the pilgrims. They told that they are opposing the decision of providing land not the pilgrims. Anyways after some time Govt has taken back there order of providing land to the board.
At that time all expected relief in the valley but nothing has happened of that sort albeit BJP started there politics from there and spreading across the nation by calling nation wide bandh these days. I guess they do not have Ayodhya issue anymore for Hindus, so they are trying to get more issues from other places. They are claiming that if no land can be provided to Hindus why the land for Haz House has given to Muslims in the valley. I must say this is another poor face of Indian politics. They (not but all political parties) really lack issues of development, per capita income, safety, jobs, education, food, population etc. Instead of talking and thinking about such issues they are concentrating of politics of religion, cast etc.
I hope it should not go any further but is it going to be another diversion between Hindus and Muslims of this poor nation?
Even I've not done Amarnath yatra till now but I am sure that the facilities were good enough for the pilgrims to reach there. Govt. must be doing good work to keep everything in place. Some time back Govt has provided a piece of land to Amarnath board (for better management). That was a green land if I am not wrong. For which local people opposed and did rallies, bandhs in the valley. Due to which pilgrims suffered for a week or so. The best part is people of valley put there best efforts to help the pilgrims. They told that they are opposing the decision of providing land not the pilgrims. Anyways after some time Govt has taken back there order of providing land to the board.
At that time all expected relief in the valley but nothing has happened of that sort albeit BJP started there politics from there and spreading across the nation by calling nation wide bandh these days. I guess they do not have Ayodhya issue anymore for Hindus, so they are trying to get more issues from other places. They are claiming that if no land can be provided to Hindus why the land for Haz House has given to Muslims in the valley. I must say this is another poor face of Indian politics. They (not but all political parties) really lack issues of development, per capita income, safety, jobs, education, food, population etc. Instead of talking and thinking about such issues they are concentrating of politics of religion, cast etc.
I hope it should not go any further but is it going to be another diversion between Hindus and Muslims of this poor nation?
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