We all have traveled in Indian Railways a lot in its different coaches whether it is sleeper class, 3rd AC or 2nd AC etc. But have we ever noticed how a person behave in different manner while traveling in AC coach as compare to when the same person travels in sleeper coach. Personally I don't prefer traveling in AC coach when I am traveling alone. Reason?? Lots of are there.
English is the preferred language: I have seen people from small cities where if you even say "Left" or "Right" in place of its Hindi meanings, people get confused, speak in Hindi till they are waiting for the train on platform. Once they enter the coach, there preferred language becomes English. Not against with it but surprise to see the small time lag between switching. PJ: Bill gates should take inspiration for his Windows.
English books and magazine: Just an extension of English attitude. They read only English books, magazine, news paper. They give filthy looks to those who read something in Hindi.
People prefer to keep quite: Actually it's a reflection of metro culture. people does not know who are their neighbors. But the question is how the same people talk to the fellow passengers while traveling in sleeper class?
But there are similarities too in the behavior irrespective of the coach in which the person travels.
Dirty Attitude: One thing which is common among the people that they all put all of their efforts in making coach as dirty as possible. Weather it is chocolates wrapper, or leftovers of ground-nuts etc. People do not give even a single look to the mess they spread all over.
Lack of civic sense: People tend to travel with whole house holds they can keep. I've seen few families who travels with less luggage but the number is very high who travels in the ratio of at least 3 baggage per person.
No respect for rules and regulations: Smoking is legally not allowed at public places but thanks to our system no one seems to follow those rules. In fact they see all these rules as an attack to their personal freedom. Irrespective of the coach, irrespective of the people around when I see someone smoking in pulic place the only song comes to my mid is "Har fikr ko dhuwaein mein udata chala gaya".
I am the first attitude: Have you ever notice the people when they enter in any railway coach. As if there is first come first serve policy going on. Everybody has the reservation and thanks to Indian railway it always gives 2-5 mins more to enter than it's expected time on any platform. But still everyone always wants to rush it like there is a gold medal awaiting inside if they come first.
But I want to confess here that even with so many issues anyone face while traveling in train I like to travel by it. I really enjoy it and I believe most of us feel the same.
What an extra-ordinary year this is. It;s full of events some good and rest not so good. Achievements for India in Olympics, biggest financial crisis since 1929-30 in US and now India's maiden mission to the moon. Not the much time left when we'll be in the group of handful of countries who has done this before. If everything goes right, on Oct 22 we'll start our journey to the moon with a blast.
It is a very big event for the whole nation and moment to proud. There is one more thing to be proud of is that the technology used in this mission is developed by Indian scientist. It shows that how independent we are when it comes to technology.
This is just a first step towards a long journey in space. I wish the whole team all the best and thanks for giving us this moment.
FOSLA - does it remind you of anything? Frustrated One Side Lovers Association. As the name clearly indicates the group is for those who are frustrated with chasing girls but not yet have one. It is one of the biggest group exist anywhere in the world but undocumented. This group is very popular among graduates doing engineering. There is a reason for that. Lack of good girls in Maths stream, which inturn cause a scarcity in engineering colleges. But I think the situation is far better than our times.
Though it was that much popular in other college, but it did not gain much recognition in our college. You know as per Human tendency frustration arises when you see all other around you is having something and you do not have that. And there will be no frustration when no one will have one. That was the condition in our college. In a batch of 106 there was only 1 female creature and that was also not upto the mark as per our standards (No offence please). So we were all happy because we all were not having anything.
I believe each one of us have lots of experiences being the member of such prestigious group and this blog might remind you those sweet memories. So, with this Happy enjoying those memories and Wish all the luck who are still the member of the group. If possible you can share the memories by posting comments to this blog.
Yesterday what a day for Indian sports. Amazing, is isn't??? First Sushil Kumar grab the bronze in wrestling. Then Vijendra secured at least Bronze (He can win more if he wins next fight). We got another victory in one-day match against Sri-lanka.
But this is the first time in my whole life where I feel Indian Cricket win is smaller than other sports. I watched Vijendra's quarter-final match more aggresively than T-20 cricket match (India vs Pakistan). And I am eagerly waiting for Vijendra's fight in semis tomorrow.
These are hero of the day, in fact of the century. Did we ever won 3 medals in a single Olympic. The answer is NO (though I haven't researched it but quite sure). The story began after wining Gold by Abhinav. These are really the dawn (read DON) of Indian sports. I am sure, they have ignited billion hearts and we'll soon see 30 and then 300 medals in a single Olympic given politics will not work as barrier.
India is participating in Olympics from last 80 years but today in 2008, the world's second most populous nation won first ever Olympic GOLD medal in solo category. The history is created and it's created by Abhinav Bindra.
He came ahead strongly to the Zhu Qinan, the defending champion, who won gold in last Olympics. I was lucky enough to see medal distribution ceremony live on DD-Sports today. It felt proud rather very proud when they play our National Anthem. I was so excited even I was just watching it on television, I cannot even think of the level of excitment of those who were physiclly present there or of the winner (Abhinav) itself.
Possibly the dawn of Indian sports has arrived and I hope if everything (politics, sports authorities, corporate) goes in right direction we can be next super power in sports also.
Recent back to back bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahemdabad has stunned each and every Indian.It's not a first time it happened. Similar blasts had happened in Jaipur, Mumbai, Hyderabad. In Surat it was a narrow escape. But as always there is nothing concrete happening from government. It's the same statement they are giving since my memory started saving all this, that don't panic. Militants are doing this to scatter integrity of India. Government is doing whatever necessary to catch them, bla bla bla. All routine stuff.
But I feel it is total failure on government front. They should take responsibility of these losses. I really cannot understand what Indian Intelligence Agencies were doing when militants were planning for these bomb blasts. In Ahmedabad around 16 blast has happened. I believe one or two person must be involved in putting one bomb in place. It means around 30-35 people were required when it comes only to place the bombs. Some more must be involved in making those bombs and some more must be there as a leader. So, there must be around 50 people in the city on/before the day of bomb blast. In any city if there are 50 people involved in some activity and intelligence agencies are not aware of this, what should we say about them.
They can miss something which is planned and executed by 2-3 people but here 50 people must be involved. Many phones calls must have been made to execute this. They could have traced them earlier. But our intelligence agencies were sleeping at the time I believe.
There is a saying in Hindi "जथा राजा तथा प्रजा ". It means citizens of any country will be same as it's king. When our politicians (policy maker) are busy in fighting with each other, giving bribe to each other what can we expect from any government officials, who follow the order of politicians. I really don't know what will happen to our country when politics is at its abyss, politicians are fighting like road side gundas, intelligence agencies are sleeping, corruption is at its peak. I really don't know!!!!

जीवन के वो चार वर्ष
स्वर्णिम वर्ष थे मेरे,
वो वक्त बीता था
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
कुछ आज भी साथ है
कुछ की यादें दिलों में
मित्र वो जिनके साथ रहे हम
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
कहीं कुछ कम
कहीं पूरे संसाधनों में
हमने ज्ञान प्राप्त किया
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
आज जो भी हैं जहाँ भी हैं
उस ज्ञान की बदौलत,
जो हमने सीखा
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
जैसे भी, जहाँ भी रहूँगा,
कभी भूल न पाऊंगा
जो वक्त बिताया
घुरदौडी की वादियों में।
Today in the morning, while coming to office I saw a man riding bicycle and carrying his two little daughters to the school. They both were nicely dressed in blue uniform. One was on the front seat, and the other one was on the back side. They both were cheerful. It reminds me of my cheerful days of childhood. I still clearly remember how my father use to take me and my sister in the bicycle to the school, before leaving for work. How my mother used to start early so she can prepare breakfast with ample time left for our dressing. How they spent whole morning in making sure that we'll be on time to school.
But now, when they are on the other side (40+) of there life, they are alone with their memories. They are alone when they want someone to take care of them. They are alone when they become habitual of living in family. They are alone when they really want to avoid to be alone anymore.
They have done more than what they could do for us. But in return what we were giving back. I do not have any answers for that. Anyways without being more nostalgic let me back to my work. But before that I really want to say thanks ma and papa to bring me here. You have done everything for us by all means possible. Thanks once again!!!!
आज के समय में हिन्दी की वास्तविकता समाप्त होती सी प्रतीत होती है। कम से कम महानगरों में तो यही हाल है। किसी भी बड़ी दुकान या शापिंग मॉल में देखिये सभी माता पिता छोटे-छोटे बच्चों से अंग्रेजी में बात करते हुए आसानी से दिख जाते है। नन्हे बच्चे आपस में भी अंग्रेजी में ही बात करते है। कुछ बच्चों को तो में जानता हूँ जिन्हें हिन्दी भी नही आती, सिर्फ़ अंग्रेजी से काम चलता है। न जाने वोह अपने दादा-दादी से कैसे बात करते होंगे? यह तो एक पहलू हुआ हिन्दी की घटती आबादी का।
दूसरा पहलू वो है जहाँ लोग हिन्दी बोलते तो है पर उच्चारण सही नही होता या वो लोग सही नही लिख पाते। खासकर कुछ शब्द तो सहज न होकर क्लिष्ट होते है जैसे क्षत्रिय इत्यादि। जब यह गलती हिन्दी समाचार के समाचार वक्ता करें तो यह समस्या गंभीर लगती है।
आज सुबह की ही बात है, NDTV की समाचार वक्ता "वयस्क" को "व्यसक" कहती है। ये एक ऐसा समाचार चैनल है जहा अमित दुआ सरीखे लोग समाचार पड़ते है जिन्हें न केवल सामाजिक ज्ञान है बल्कि उनका उच्चारण भी पूर्णतया साफ़ है। ऐसे में इतने बड़े समाचार चैनल से ऐसी गलती होना अच्छी बात नही है, या शायद खतरे की निशानी भी है।
अगर हिन्दी की इसी प्रकार दुर्दशा होती रही तो वो दिन ज्यादा दूर नही जब लोग हिन्दी बोलना पूर्णतया समाप्त कर देंगे। या फ़िर हिन्दी के नाम पे हिंगलिश का ही बोल बाला रहेगा।
I still remember the month of May, 2001 when we were called for Air Force SSB (Service Selection Board). After all the preparation me and Amit left for SSB to Dehradun. We had already passed written test for that. Other than very little seriousness we were looking forward to enjoy to the extreme for one whole week. We were more excited because they were giving to and fro conveyance charges. In addition to that free stay in Air Force station for full one week.
After reaching railway station, one bus took us to Air Force Station. After reaching there our documents were verified by the officials. We were through, but I remember around 80 students of Agra university had to go back due to some reason. This makes our batch of around 94.
After 5 days of several written, physical test, GD and interview finally the day arrived when results were to be announced. We all were sitting in the room as per our chest number. Officials were also there. All of us were eagerly waiting for the result. My heart start pounding when they start taking names of selected guys as if I just finished 100 meters race in 10 sec. They already told us that they will call the names in increasing order of the chest number (the number allocated to you during the stay). They called the first number "4". There is still some hope, I thought in my mind. I was praying to God for my selection. After some pause they announced "19". Within a second I was on cloud-9. Incidentally my number was 19. I was feeling as my heart will come out of my body. It was beating faster than any of my imaginations. After that I was not able to listen anything they said. Was that excitement or something else, due to which my body was there but my mind stopped working. I was behaving like a dummy.
My mind came to existence only when all the names were announced and friends start congratulating me. But I feel bad when I came to know that Amit was not selected. Within 5 minutes after that only 4 people (selected ones) were there in the room. We had filled bundles of documents and did at least 50 signatures that day within next 2-3 hours. But during all that time I was seeing myself in blue dress of IAF. I was happy that I was the first person of my batch (college) who got selected somewhere. I was happy because that day I felt I achieved everything. I was happy because I thought I'd be able to do something for my parents now, they have done a lot for me till now.
I still feel that was surely one of the golden moment of my life.
Disclaimer: I've never been to Amarnath so do not the situation on the way to Amarnath.
Even I've not done Amarnath yatra till now but I am sure that the facilities were good enough for the pilgrims to reach there. Govt. must be doing good work to keep everything in place. Some time back Govt has provided a piece of land to Amarnath board (for better management). That was a green land if I am not wrong. For which local people opposed and did rallies, bandhs in the valley. Due to which pilgrims suffered for a week or so. The best part is people of valley put there best efforts to help the pilgrims. They told that they are opposing the decision of providing land not the pilgrims. Anyways after some time Govt has taken back there order of providing land to the board.
At that time all expected relief in the valley but nothing has happened of that sort albeit BJP started there politics from there and spreading across the nation by calling nation wide bandh these days. I guess they do not have Ayodhya issue anymore for Hindus, so they are trying to get more issues from other places. They are claiming that if no land can be provided to Hindus why the land for Haz House has given to Muslims in the valley. I must say this is another poor face of Indian politics. They (not but all political parties) really lack issues of development, per capita income, safety, jobs, education, food, population etc. Instead of talking and thinking about such issues they are concentrating of politics of religion, cast etc.
I hope it should not go any further but is it going to be another diversion between Hindus and Muslims of this poor nation?
We are living in a time where information is very important. Not only information but the latest information is important. In this case visual media is definitely an important source of information. News channel has a big role to play in such society. They have to provide current news to the people which is of there interest and use (Sometime interest and usage goes in opposite direction).
Yesterday I got a forward mail in my inbox which makes lot of sense to me. The mail talks about the news which a news channel shows in the TV was about Rahul's (Gandhi) food, a cat in the building and about Amitabh (Bachhan) getting cold. Is this serious media which has a responsibility to show the sensible truth. Incidently the news channel claims itself the best in India and shows the awards (I do not know why) it got in last three years proudly.
Today Vaishnodevi management has decided to pull off their decision of giving reservation to visit the temple to those who pay more amount than aam aadmi. It is not a chart buster news but really significant in many matters. Nowadays most of the big temples in India is having this kind of arrangement.
These days man made temples are no longer is a place of devotion, they are place for money making now, at least in India. Some temple gets crores of rupee in a single day. And these money making places is being utilized (rather misused) by big people. Big people like politicians, bureaucrats (they are really big in india) and Amitabh Bachan & family every time ignore the queue (obviously by paying money) and visit the temple. I do not know why they go to the temple if they can not spend some time for God. Religion says that for God everyone is same. So why temple pujaris are creating difference when it comes to see the God in temple. If one wants to religiously see the God, (s)he has to be in queue like others. These so called pujaris/pundits call themselves the caretaker of religion and they only creates this difference. How can anyone believe in those whose words are different from their act.
Personally I don't visit so many temples due to this reason only. Tirupati is one of them. There is so called "VIP" queue where by paying some bucks you can ignore the queue of aam aadmi and directly visit the God. Vaishnodevi management has done a correct thing by pulling off this VIP queue. Other temples should have follow suit them. At least when it comes to religion, reservation should not come by any means.
Today is World Environment Day. Most of us do know it. There is enough talking going on about what are the problems, what is the cause of this problem, and what are the solutions to the problem.
I believe we all are the nice citizen, and we take care of all the environment friendly measure. We all know but just to remind my readers I'll jot down some of the easy steps by which we can help our environment to some extent.
At Home
1. When no one is using any of the electronics gadgets (TV, Washing Machine, Music System etc.) in our home, we can switch off them from the socket. Anyways they only increase noise pollution.
2. After every 4-5 hours we can switch off refrigerator for 1-2 hours. I can assure (based on some studies as well as personal experience) you nothing will happen to the items stored in the refrigerator.
3. We can reduce the use of water heater. Even if we are habitual of warm water and we can not ignore it then at least we can try for less warm water. e.g. If you generally keep your water heater ON for 15 min, then try to reduce it to 10-12 mins.
4. Cycling is one of the good exercise. We can use cycle for 3-4 km distance. Remember how much excited we were when we ride cycles in our childhood days.
5. Put different types of garbage in different bucket. Don't mix it. Studies says 80% of garbage can be recycled but due to our bad habit of mixing everything only 10% of that can be recycled.
6. Use cloth bags for buying vegetables and other stuff. Don't accept plastic bags from shopkeeper. Our parents still does it, so why can't we?
At Office
1. I know it will be hard but we can switch off our computer before leaving for the day. At least switch off the monitors.
2. Use car/bike pool. Petrol is on high, so it can save some bucks too!!
3. Minimize the use of printer in the office. At least use both side print option while printing any document.
4. Reduce the use of paper towels in the office instead we can carry handkerchief and use them.
Last but not the least, we should try to plant a tree a year, if not possible at least in a decade. Even if this is hard for us we can try to plant a tree before we die.
I think these are not the tough measure to take. We can easily make them as a part of our life. You'll be amazed to see how much you have reduced your electricity/petrol bill and save some money.
May 25, 2008. An event (not much hyped by media, some didn't even bother to cover it) happened on the banks of Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir. It is a bad luck of Indian citizen where media is always busy covering some rubbish, non-sense news such as Arushi double murder case in Noida these days. Some news channel are proudly saying that as much as 24 reporters are covering the case round the clock. But they don't have time to cover a news which is not so small (I hope most of us agree) in today's Indian perspective.
Junoon, a well known musical band from Pakistan has performed live in Srinagar despite threats from militant organization. It was the first musical concert in nearly 2 decades in the valley. This musical concert was not an small event as far as Kashmir is concern. It seems peace is coming at it's own peace. I really wish for it. It looks like a dawn is here and sunrise is about to happen in Jammu and Kashmir. I really wish and want to see a nice environment in J&K soon (at least before I die) where the markets are busy with lots of tourist (including me). They are roaming and enjoying the beauty of J&K and the people queuing for shikara near Dal lake.
Let's all of us pray to see that time soon!!!!
I love my India. Not talking about the song from Pardes, but I really love my India. Long back I read a chapter in my course book (probably in V or VI std), "Unity in Diversity".I do not remember exactly what was the content of that chapter but must be talked about how the citizens of India are unite (in reality it is very hard to find) irrespective of the diversity in India. In the name of that chapter I want to urge the officials (responsible for selecting course material) that please add at least one paragraph (we can have a full text book though) in that chapter ("Unity in Diversity") about what truly unites India. Whether you go to petrol bunk, RTO, police station, hospital, electricity office, telephone office, post office, one thing will be common. Which really gives you a feel of being an Indian and you will be sure that you are witin the boundary of our great country India. Corruption!!!!
Yes it exist in every city, every department across the country. We always say that corruption in UP and Bihar is on high. Do you think that in Bangalore it does not exist. You are wrong, totally wrong. It is here, in the very heart of city namma Bengaluru (Bangalore). You know the best part I like of the corruption is that, the rates are almost common all over India. If you are caught by traffic police and do not have driving license pay Rs. 50, if you do not have a RC, or vehicle insurance, or pollution certificate Rs. 50. If you do not have all the things then you have to bargain. It will start from Rs 1000, but believe me Rs. 100 is OK.
Go to RTO. They are one step ahead as compare to traffic police. Traffic police will leave you if you have all the documents, but in RTO they will not take your application if you are directly going there (not going through Agents even you have all the required documents). I remember when I was in college, energetic and enthusiastic (dreaming to change the country as every young student does before meeting some harsh realities of real world) I went to RTO for my learning driving license. I filled the form and gave a written test in the morning. They called me in the evening to see the result. I was failed. I went there next morning and re-appeared in the test and after the test the responsible person shamelessly asked me "Why aren't you taking help of Agent? Come through them". "No", I replied firmly. Then he said, "OK. You are passed for now. But for driving license, please take care.".
We all are aware of the same situation in all the departments whether it is in so-called Hi-Tech cities e.g. namma Bengaluru, Hyderabad, amchi Mumbai or it is a far away village of UP, Bihar. I feel this is what makes India a truly unite country. We all are united for corruption to be exist. We stand united for this cause. This is what really "connecting India" not BSNL ("Connecting India" is a punchline of BSNL). Corruption is really a good example of being united as a country considering a highly diversified county India is. This topic really deserves a paragraph in the chapter "Unity in Diversity".
As everyone has said (in our trading group) that we all are trying to recover from the situation we were in 2-3 months ago, I am too trying hard. I believe, we all earned good money before market saw Jan lows, and then suddenly market went into deep red and we lost not full but significant percentage of our portfolio. But from last month or so, market is in recovery process though we are still very low from Jan-08 highs. It is true that in some of the stocks we are in loss, but I'll be shocked if someone will say that they are in RED as far as there overall portfolio is concern. It should not be the case.
We all made some mistakes in stock market. I also did during my initial phase of trading (in fact still doing it but the number is less though). I do not want you guys to repeat it. So, I thought why don't I share some of my learnings with you guys. With that idea I'll try to share my ideas with you. It's totally up to you take it as a help or just ignore it and follow your own ideas and get the first hand experience.
1. Never buy or sell 100% in one shot: This was my first lesson I learnt way back in 2005. You might have heard several times from different people that don't put all your money in one shot in one company. Buy in steps to average out the price. What I want to say is not only while buying, but for selling too keep this theory in your mind. Never throw all the stocks of one company in one shot. Sell it in steps. I'll give you an example Diamond Cables. I bought 200 shares of it in Rs. 39 per share and sold it in Rs 62. The good news is I've made a decent profit. The bad news is recently it crossed 500 marks but still hovering around Rs. 400-450. You all are very good in Maths so leaving the calculation up to you. The problem is I made 60% but lost 1000% of the profit. True there is some level of risk involved. What would have happened if the stock might went down to Rs. 20 or so. That's hwy I am telling sell it in steps. I should have sold around 50 shares in Rs 62, then 50 shares at somewhere Rs. 80 and then 50 shares at Rs. 100. Then I could have save 50 shares just for my portfolio after getting good returns.
2. Buy when you see value: It's a recent lesson I learnt. Reliance Communication. I bought 10 shares of RELCOM at 505 two months back, because I felt that it is good buy I am getting. I also knew at that time that it could go down further. Within few days exactly the same had happened and it went to 485-490 levels, but I was happy that I bought shares at my comfort level. I was quite confident that it will go up very soon. It's just a matter of days. And within a week or two, it touched 575 levels. I didn't try to time the market rather bought it when I saw value in it. Might be in the process of timing the market I could had not bought even a single share and missed the rally. So, the choice is all yours.
3. There is nothing called long-term: Delete these lines from you mind. Some of us believe that in the market there is nothing called as long-term. The only way of making money is short-term. Due to which people try to time the market. There is one bad news for all of us and we should accept it that we are not the experts of trading market, but we pretend to be. Frankly speaking how many of us can read balance sheet and understand jargons of the share market. So to be on safe side why can't we leave timing the market and go for value-buying. One obvious benefit of trading long-term is, you can save 15% tax on the long-term profit which you have to pay in case of short-term investments. Even with the mix of big companies(large-cap) as well as growing companies (mid-cap) we can get some decent returns from the market. But some of my friends don't believe that 20% returns from the market is decent returns. They want to get at least 100% from it.
4. Friend's are here to help: I know that we follow our friend's recommendations and I believe this trend is going to stay. We can not just ignore our friend's recommendations. It's not that bad though. But try to find some simple information about the stocks before buying it. Anyways it won't take a toll for it. Rather it will always help you in increasing your knowledge, and involvement in the stock.
With all this bakwaas I'll end here and wish you all HAPPY TRADING!!!!
As a computer science student, the first thing what I learnt in the college was the nice word "LOGIC". Everyone told that apply logic while writing programs etc. Today as a software engineer I am still supposed to put logic behind whatever I do in my professional life. [Though it's a different story whether I am doing it or not].
Coming to the point, every person working in IT (Information Technology) sector must put logic behind everything. Even to write a single line of code people ask for the logic behind it. And I hope many of them are also religiously putting logic behind every single line of code written (or even not written). So, if we are so good in using logic, why cannot we understand a very simple logic of not running behind money.
We all wait eagerly for the appraisals. It's not a bad thing. It is a reward for whatever we have done for last one year. But the problem is no one is satisfied with there appraisal. I am sure, after every appraisal some of us are planning to ask for more hike, some of us even planning for job change, some of us might have already done that to negotiate further.
Have we ever use our logic to think about where is the end of this rat race? Has God created us only to enjoy his resources and forget about it. We are only running behind money blindly without having any logic. Aren't we suppose to do something (in this earth) which can help others too e.g. entrepreneurship (by creating jobs for others), social services etc. Have we ever sit calmly and thought that what was the purpose of God when He was creating us? No, we have never done that. In fact most of us never though of it before. How many of us know their purpose in life? Answers will be few.
Food for thought: We can try to find out what is that bigger purpose for which God has sent each one of us in this earth rather than just running behind money.
Elections in Karnataka is just few days away from now. As always all political parties are publishing their manifesto before election. Janta Dal-Secular (JD-S) is last of three major parties (other two are congress and BJP) in Karnataka.
As most of middle class people does in present scenario, I do the same. I don't take much interest in politics. But as I am working for software company in Bangalore one news raised some curiosity in me.
JD-S has promised that they will give 30% reservations for Kannadigas in IT (Information Technology) and BT (Bio Technology) sectors. Reservation as such on the basis of cast/religion/area is controversial topic in India at least. So I am sorry in advance, if someone being hurt from my writing.
But sometimes I think, are these reservation really help those who really need that? Is it reaching to the people who cannot achieve anything in their life without it? In my various phase of life I've seen many guys getting benefit from reservations, but nowhere I've seen any poor person (who really need reservation in my perspective) from that cast/religion/area. I've seen people who are already good enough to pay there fee are getting fee rebate. Those who are able to buy books on market price they get extra library facilities. Aren't we spoiling our resources? Is it not the waste of resources, which can be more fruitful if invested in correct areas?
Personally I feel kannadigas, who are capable enough to be a part of software industry are already a part of it or going to be soon. I really don't see any need to give any kind of reservation in IT/BT for not even kannadigas but also for anyone. Anyways I know all these are just a publicity stunt before elections but somewhere it all creates a small feeling against reservation which in turn result in community bifurcation. I pray Bangalore will not follow the steps of whatever happened in Mumbai recently.
We all know how Jaipur's Rajasthan Royals are performing in ongoing season of IPL. As of now they top the chart among eight good teams. There are some of the very big names in other teams as well which are not doing so well in the tournament. e.g. Hyderabad Deccan Chargers. It has Gilchrist, Gibbs, Symonds, Shahid Afridi, Rohit Sharma, and Laxman. They all have capabilities to win the match on their own. But the result is they are one of the bottom three teams in the tournament so far.
So, what is the conclusion. It's yet to come, but before then that you must be thinking why I am talking about cricket in this blog and gave the label "Management"? It's because I feel there are couple of management lessons which we can inherit from cricket.
1. You should be flexible to work in different areas. In our corporate life we all are a part of teams. We do not have existence beyond the team. So, team is always first not the individual. Never ever put aside team's interest for your personal interests. Take a example of Rahul Dravid. He played at all the positions (from 1st to 6th) for the benefit of the team. He had put keeper gloves for more than 1 year just to make the team balance right. Similarly, we all have strengths in some particular area and if we are assigned a work in some other area we generally don't accept it easily. But if the teams needs you to excel or work on some other area you should be more than eager to do that.
2. Better team is worth more than best individuals. Take an example of Rajasthan Royals. They don't have big names, which is indirectly helping them. They are performing good because they are playing as a team. On the other hand Deccan Chargers are struggling to win even their 2nd match inspite of having so many big names. In our corporates we should try to make a team with those people who must have team spirit not the very intelligent individuals without team spirit.
3. Leaders are very important in every field of the life. They have to lead the team by performing, not just by guiding them. Shane Warne is a leader at par right now. He is not only leading his team from front by taking some crucial wickets at crucial moments but also inculcating the team spirit in his team members. With some unknown names he created a team which is at top in the the chart. While, before the tournament started no one was betting on them to win even a single match in the tournament.
4. Make strategy before every task. Shane Warne is doing exactly the same. He is having strategy for each team and for each batsman. He is using his resources excellently. Whether it is selecting playing XI, or a decision on batting line-up or the bowling changes through the match. All the leaders must prepare the strategy for each task and moreover they have to be ready to change the same if needed.
From last couple of months rising inflation is a buzzword across the world. Everyone is talking about it. In Indian perspective all the political parties are playing a nice blame game with each other. Of' course they are champion of this game. But none of them are really serious in finding what is the root cause of the problem and what is the short/long term solution of the problem.
They all are blaming each other just to capitalize the issue to increase there vote bank. If we ask the current market price of some basic food grains to these politicians, I am sure hardly anyone will be able to speak about it.
Anyways, the major issue here is the way so called "developed" countries are behaving and commenting about the issue. Last week Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state US make the statement that improved diets in India and China is one of the major cause of current rise in food prices. Recently Bush also has joined the talk and make the remarks that rising prosperity in eating habits in India and China has caused this price rise.
I believe Bush's comments not only shows his attitude toward Asian Giants but also shows his lack of knowledge about current affairs. He said that 350 million middle class people in India is asking for better nutrition and better food due to increase in purchase power. This population of middle class in India in incidentally bigger than the whole America's population, he confirmed. I think US is certainly under pressure and doesn't know how to respond to the situation where Asian countries are challenging them.
But the various report shows that the per person consumption of food in US is more than 5 times in India. From African countries this is surely incomparable. The per person consumption in US has been increased since 2003, on the other hands it is more or less stable in India. Moreover, the decision of diversion of arable land for ethanol production is also questionable. Let me remind you Mr. Bush that we are a food exporter not a food importer.
This whole chapter shows the ignorant behaviour of US president. They have to first see their own way of living and then go and comment about others. I seriously don't know why these US people go and comment without there proper knowledge of history, geography and of' course world's current situation.
When cricket in India is on high with IPL, in bangalore we are also totally poured into cricket mania today. Can you believe we played for 40 overs in the scorching heat of Bangalore? But it was a nice experience and I am totally sorry for those who missed this action. Pankaj better luck next time. It was a 3-day test match which is still two days to go. Saturday and Sunday are the two remaining days.
It was 6:40 AM in the morning when I called everybody over phone for the cricket. By 8:00 AM more or less everyone was on the ground with high spirit. It was very nice to see people from GBPEC across batches, from 2001 to 2007. We won the toss elected batting first. Being Totally into test cricket mode we took very cautious and slow start to show our cricket "caliber". Finally in 20 overs we scored 73. Then they comes, our opponent. They played good cricket and with the help of some decent shots they managed to get 100.
yes they are leading with 27 runs, but with 40 overs to go, anything can happen. The game is still on guys. But it was as always a nice gathering. We got a chance to met guys across the batches. Added advantage is a nice health too.
The most awaited news from Indian Hockey came yesterday when Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has sacked Mr. K. P. S. Gill and dissolved the Indian Hockey Federation (IHF). It has ended a black era of 14 years of Mr. Gill in Indian hockey. It was a long awaited decision, at least from when Indian hockey team has failed to even qualify for Olympic this year. Followed by a bribery scandal involving K Jothikumaran, an IHF secretary. This is the first time when Indian team will not participate in Olympics since they began playing in 1928.
In this so called "youngistan" era many of us don't know what is our national sport. For them I must iterate that it is hockey, not cricket. From last 14 years Mr. Gill has put all his efforts to throw Indian hockey to abysmal depth. But the fact is that only Gill is not responsible for current state of hockey in India. IOA, red tapism, lack of funds to hockey, not enough facilities are some of them. But there should be someone who should take responsibility of all this, and in my perspective it is always the head the organization. But the funniest part of the story is Gill is still not ready to accept that Indian hockey is in crisis. Anyways IOA has placed a five member committee consisting of old Olympic players. Australian Ric Charlesworth will advise them.
But will it make any difference? Will it give a new heights to Indian hockey? Will it increase the fan following of hockey? Yes, I think it will make a huge difference to Indian hockey. Here are the reasons why. First point is Indian hockey is at its bottom, whatever will happen from here will be good. The second point is that if the leaders of any organization want to do something only then the lesson will reach to other stake holders of an organization. In this case hopefully they will do. I am looking them as five pandavas who will win the battle of kurushetra of'course with the help of Krishna (in this case Australian though).
So, with this this optimistic approach I must say Good Luck to new leaders of the IHF. Hope they will do something for Indian hockey but not only for their own.
PS: The idea behind recently started ICL, IPL is always compared by European Football clubs, but we can also compare it with long back started Premier Hockey League (PHL).
Today's hot news came when bhajji slapped shreeshant in the ground after losing a match. It is really a big news in the country where cricket is religion and cricketers are icons. In our country, cricket is not just a sport but a passion and most of all follows the sport as well cricketers.
Recently in IPL cricketers got huge amount of money because cricket and cricketers are followed by Indians with great zeal and passion. We follow them blindly. We watch the channel in which they come. We read the news which talks about them. We use the brands which they endorse. Many of us follow them as our icon. But if those so called "ICON" will behave like this, it will give wrong message to our youth.
So is it right time to accept that these cricketers are not the icons but only a normal people. I believe "YES". The time is now. They also behave like a normal person. They celebrate when they win. They become sad when they loose. They not only become sad but also loose their temper at times. They are just a human beings nothing more than that. So, what is different in them to follow?
I believe that when it comes to select our "Icon" we should follow the persons who have something to follow. Who worked really hard in each field of life and whatever the situations are they never lost their control. They kept their head cool and respond accordingly. They never react to the situation but respond. Who are those person is up to you to find.
The conclusion I want to make here is we must enjoy cricket, we can read their news and follows their scores, records etc. But we should not treat them as God. We should have respect not only for the cricket but for all the sports. But we must not treat cricket as a religion for sure!!